8 business tools for PhDs wanting to start a side hustle

Starting a small business is no small feat! Starting a business as an academic or early career PhD, who may have minimal to no experience in entrepreneurship, can feel really overwhelming. Thankfully, there are a lot of tools that can make the process of running a business simpler and more efficient!

In a previous post, I wrote about how many of the skills PhDs have are really useful in being an entrepreneur. In this post, I’ll share some of my favorite tools that I’ve been using over the last year in my own business.

Here are some my top recommended business tools:

1) Notion - Notion is a relational database system that can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be! In my business, I use Notion to track my progress towards my business goals and to organize my client contacts. I use my Notion space every day - literally. I’d be lost without it!

2) Airtable - Airtable is another relational database system, similar to Notion, but has an important added feature of being able to create simple surveys/forms. I use Airtable to collect client feedback/testimonials and to host my program waitlists. It’s also free!

3) MeetEdgar (affiliate link) - MeetEdgar is a social media scheduling app that I’m honestly not sure I could live without. I use MeetEdgar to schedule out social posts so that I don’t have to manually share my blog posts and other content on social media platforms. I also love that MeetEdgar will cycle through content to keep posts fresh. It’s such a time saver.

4) Squarespace - Web hosting! Blogging! Having a website is probably one of the more important places to start in building a business that requires an online presence. There are other platforms out there, but in my mind Squarespace is the most user-friendly.

5) Flodesk (affiliate link) - Flodesk is a newsletter design and hosting service. I love that I can create beautiful emails that help me stay in touch with folks in my network. (psst - Wanna peak at my monthly newsletter? You can sign up here!)

6) Zoom - I’ve used a lot of different video-conferencing software in my time, and Zoom is hands down my favorite. I know that these days we spend most of our time on Zoom, but I wouldn’t be able to meet with my coaching clients without it! Zoom also offers a free version that includes free one-on-one calls, which can be a good place to start if you’re just starting out in your business.

7) Wave - Simple - and free! - invoicing. I use this to invoice my coaching clients.

8) Teachery (affiliate link) - Teachery is an awesome and really versatile e-course platform! I use Teachery to host materials and recordings from my group coaching programs.

Are you a PhD considering exploring entrepreneurship? Maybe considering taking on some consulting projects or developing a side hustle? Coaching can help make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Reach out to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session to learn more.


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