Top 5 podcasts for academics who want to start a side hustle


If you’re an academic interested in exploring entrepreneurship or starting a side business, you might feel like you have no idea where to begin. Whether you’re a Ph.D. student considering entrepreneurship as a way to earn extra money and get some hands-on experience, or several years post-PhD and curious about exploring working for yourself, you are already well equipped to start your own business.

In a previous post, I wrote about how PhDs already have many of the skills that are needed to be a successful entrepreneur and business owner. Below, I outline some of the podcasts that have helped me on my path from PhD to business owner!

  • Make Your Way - In this podcast, Dr. Katie Linder and Dr. Sara Langworthy discuss the ins and outs of running their businesses. This podcast is at the top of my list for a reason! This is an all-time favorite of mine and was a big inspiration for me in starting my own business. In the most recent season, Katie and Sara reflect back on their early years in business and how their skills, experiences, and perspectives have changed in that time.

  • Wealthy Teachers (formerly Academics Mean Business) - In this podcast, Dr. Lindsay Padilla interviews various academics about their businesses and their paths to entrepreneurship. More recent episodes focus on teaching and course design as a path to entrepreneurship, but older episodes should still be available wherever you get your podcasts.

  • GradBlogger - This podcast is hosted by Dr. Chris Cloney, who coaches academics to build online businesses through blogging, podcasting, and other means. His podcast regularly interviews PhDs-turned-entrepreneurs and provides helpful tips on how to get started!

  • What Works - This podcast focuses more exclusively on the business side of things. Tara McMullin is a business coach who interviews various entrepreneurs about how they approach their businesses. I really appreciate her practical approach to business (it’s called “What Works” for a reason!) and the emphasis on building a strong business without sleazy tactics.

  • What is it all for? - Caroline and Jason Zook - founders of Wandering Aimfully - host this podcast all about building and running an intentional and values-led business, while living a satisfying and fulfilling life. As the name suggests, Caroline and Jason focus on being purposeful and intentional with their business. As someone who believes that values are at the heart of living an intentional and fulfilling life, I really appreciate their approach! They also infuse a lot of silliness and fun in this show, which makes it both entertaining and educational! 🥳

Are you a PhD considering exploring entrepreneurship? Maybe considering taking on some consulting projects or developing a side hustle? Coaching can help make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. Reach out to schedule a free 30-minute coaching session to learn more.


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