Equity statement
I am committed to providing inclusive and accessible offerings for people across all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, socio-economic statuses, and other traditionally marginalized identities.
As a person who cares deeply about advancing social justice, I commit at minimum to the following actions, both personally and professionally:
Providing payment plans for my services and programs
Offering services at a variety of price points
Holding a select number of reduced-cost slots in my programs
Doing work around my own white privilege and calling in other white folks while doing so
Donating money to causes that advance social justice and support people from marginalized groups, like Black Lives Matter and The Trevor Project, among others
De-investing from organizations that don’t align with my values
Investing in BIPOC-owned businesses and services
Pushing the industry forward in becoming more inclusive and accessible for all people
I know that striving for inclusivity and equity in my work is a journey, not a box to be checked. Knowing that I will make mistakes, I commit to continued learning and growing.
It is never an obligation that members of traditionally marginalized groups educate members of privileged groups. However, if you do feel motivated to alert me to any harm that I’ve caused, please reach out to me.
Many thanks for the support of vp wright and the inclusive coaching strategies workbook in developing this statement.